Atatürk’s Pajamas
Reading Time: 7 minutes Both history and mythology come alive as we explore the paradox of Turkiye, discovering that Atatürk was not just the father of his country, but its mother, too. … Read story…Atatürk’s Pajamas
Reading Time: 7 minutes Both history and mythology come alive as we explore the paradox of Turkiye, discovering that Atatürk was not just the father of his country, but its mother, too. … Read story…Atatürk’s Pajamas
Reading Time: 3 minutes He drives because I can’t put down my book, Among the Living and the Dead: A Tale of Exile and Homecoming by Inara Verzemnieks. I realize the ancestral farm she is writing about is not far away… … Read story…Under the Influence: Inara Verzemnieks
Reading Time: 2 minutes Reading and writing are my addictions. I read to escape. I read to go deeper, to focus, to travel. I
Reading Time: 8 minutes My grandmother Daisy Potter reaches her hand to me from across time, from the beginnings of her life. She has
Reading Time: 12 minutes February 16, 1945. Iwo Jima The last letter I have from my father to my mother was one she carefully
Reading Time: 6 minutes The day fades as we drive our VW camper over the Edmund Pettus Bridge into Selma. We’ve just left Montgomery,
Reading Time: 4 minutes “Tell me the landscape in which you live and I will tell you who you are.” Ortega y Gasset On
Reading Time: 6 minutes While I was climbing Mount Etna, I got a horrible cold. It was so bad, in fact, that I lost